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How You Can Help
The initial fundraising goal is to award the first Dambach Peacebuilder Endowed Fellowship to a student for the 2023-2024 academic year. The goal of current fundraising is for the endowment of the Dambach Peacebuilder Endowed Fellowship Fund to provide funding for both years of the two-year program for at least two graduate students each year (after the first year of the Fund).
Please email questions or suggestions to: [email protected].
Dambach Peacebuilder Endowed Fellowships
Classes of Donors
Donations Received through June 2024
Peacemaker - $100,000 and upwards
Mrs. Sherry Caves and Mr. Douglas Caves
Ambassador - $25,000 up to $99,999
Mrs. Emily Kay Dambach and Mr. Charles F. Dambach
Mrs. Judith L. Hammerschmidt and Mr. LL Hank Hankla
TCF and IEP Founder Mr. Steve Killelea
Lauenstein Family Fund of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Lorraine McReynolds and Mr. Gene Reid
Mrs. Karen Snyder Troxel and Mr. James P. Troxel
Chargé d'affaires - $10,000 up to $24,999
Dolores Eyler Fund of the Orange County CA Community Foundation
Mrs. Sammy McGlamery and Mr. Keith McGlamery
Consular - $5,000 up to $9,999
Mrs. Vicki Click and Mr. Jim Click Jr.
Dr. George Dambach
Ms. Donna Jane Graham
Ms. Martha Liggett
Diplomat - $1,000 up to $4,999
Mr. Johnathan Benner
Dr. Franklin R. Champlin
Ms. Geri Critchley
Mrs. Emelda Dahms and Mr. Kenneth Dahms †
Mrs. Samantha Dambach and Mr. Grant Dambach
Mrs. Elizabeth White and Dr. Terry Denton
Mrs. Marcia Eischen and Rev. Michael Eischen
Ms. Melanie Greenberg
Mrs. Carol Gundlach and Mr. James Gundlach
Mr. Timothy M. Havern
Hyman Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Dr. Shirley L. Mueller
Dr. Anne L. Schneider
Mrs. Karen Streck and Dr. William Streck
Mrs. Janet Swaffar and Mr. Robert Swaffar
Ms. Kathryn Weibel
Mr. Mark Weiss
Mrs. Marcia D. Wharton and Mr. Lawrence Wharton
Attaché - Up to $999
Dr. Bradford Brown and Mrs. Mable Brown
Mrs. Julie Campbell and Mr. Craig Campbell
Dr. Faye Caskey and Dr. Carl Caskey
Mrs. Patricia Lampkin and Mr. Wayne Cozart
Mr. Alexander Dambach
Mr. Kai Dambach
Mr. Sean Duffy
Ms. Maryo G. Ewell
Ms. Cathy Finney
Mrs. Kim Fossey and Mr. William Fossey
Mr. Josh A. Franco
Mrs. Sharon Furstenwerth and Mr. John Furstenwerth
Dr. Charles O. Heller
Ms. Connie M. Kantzer †
Mr. Philip Lilienthal
Mr. Oscar R. Long
Mr. David E. McLemore
Mrs. Helen Moorer and Dr. Bill Moorer
Ms. Martha C. Nicholson
Mr. Ken Rainbolt
Mr. William S. Reese
Ms. Kathryn A. Reid
Mr. Travis Reid
Mr. Luis A. Rodriguez-Abad
Ms. Janice J. Sisemore
Ms. Jennifer E. Smolen
Mrs. Judy Stevens and Mr. Ron Stevens
Mr. Jonathan C. Troxel †
Mrs. Sharon Varnum and Mr. Robert Varnum
Ms. Kimberly Weichel
Mr. Moorman R. Work, Jr.
† Deceased
Inclusive of In-kind Donations for Council Expenses
Please contact us regarding corrections to your listing.